Site Meter What I Learned Today - MG's CIP: Minority Report meets CNN

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Minority Report meets CNN

Anybody been watching the CNN reports on the primaries? John King has this phenomenal interactive screen. It's all touch screen where he's doing some very iPhone type movements... then I start thinking, where have I seen this on such a large scale? Minority Report! That futuristic crime fighting tale with Tom Cruise. Same motions in most of the scenes. Very cool (and a bit creepy) to see them in action.

So the other thing I was reminded of while reminiscing was the Jestons. Let's look at the technology they had. Ok. We still don't have flying cars for everyone (but we do have them... LINK). But Treadmills, Video Phones, Robots, Automation, etc etc... there really isn't much that's missing.

Another fun thing to check out is how much Star Wars technology is in existence today...

Looks like we have the power of!

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